Profile Altitude:
Distance from Beirut: 109km
Getting there
From Beirut, take the highway to Chekka tunnel, Amioun, Kousba, Tourza, Jbaa, Ehden,
Miziara. |
We learn that our ancestors
left Bekfaya in 1652 and settled in Richta'mout where they constructed houses
and a church, which still exists today. This was during the period when the
Hamade's shiite, and in accordance with them planted mulberry and grapevines.
The arrangement between our ancestors and the Hamades was broken for some
reason, which was followed by sever persecution.
The Metawli ransacked the properties
and cut down the mulberry and grapevines. We determine that for these reasons
our ancestors left Richta'mout, to the other side of the valley to establish a
new town: Miziara.
But the persecutions continued until the arrival of the "Mir Youssef Chehab"
children. The time was right to take an active part that cost two men their
lives. The region was now in the hands of the inhabitants of Bcharre and
Zgharta. The miziarians were able, with what money they had saved over the
years, to buy the territories belonging to the new proprietors. The region had
been passed from the hands of the Hamades to the Maronites.
Miziarians weren't fully content with this achievement and waited for another
The opportunity presented itself
when "Youssef Bek Karam" rose up against the Turks. In collaboration with other
patriots, they decided to establish the New Lebanon and above all, Free. A big
number of volunteers, around 100, actively joined the military operations of
Youssef Karam. This resulted in a high number of deaths in the villages.
It was natural, through courage, determination and the high number of miziarians
volunteers that a few reaches positions of command, which was the case of Sarkis
Chidiac and Elias el Khoury. At the time of the 1861 events, the number of
miziarians soldiers had reached the thirties, integrated in the army that the
hero of Lebanon had organized to help the persecuted Christians of the Chouf.
The Turks vowed to take revenge on those villagers. Starting from 1914 and
during the remainder of the First World War, the Turkish troops did everything
to exterminate them. They chopped down trees, imprisoned the inhabitants and
prohibited starved and ill mountaineers access to Tripoli's hospitals. Hundreds
of villagers disappeared, and they had only one solution, "Leave Miziara for the
countries of Africa and Latin America.
Information From the Ministry of
