Profile Altitude:
Distance from Beirut: 44km
Getting there
From Beirut, take the Damascus road which passes through Bhamdoun, Sofar,
Mdeirej, and Chtaura. |
In the centre of the Bekaa
Valley, 44km from Beirut is Chtaura, the main stopping point halfway between
Beirut and Damascus. Chtaura is the valley's banking and commercial centre.
Hotels, film and picnic supplies are readily available. It is the traditional
rest stop for visitors to the area with numerous cheap eateries along the main
road, and the starting point for the service taxis that take passengers to
different destinations within the valley, as well as to Beirut and Damascus.
Chtaura's banks have
English-French speaking personnel. Foreign exchange operations are handled
Monday-Friday between 10.30a.m. -12.30p.m., but tourists can change money at
other times at any of the small currency exchangers on the main road, which
are perfectly legal. International visitors should be aware that travelers’
cheques and credit cards are not always accepted here.
Chtaura, in fact, is an
excellent place to stop for lunch and sample the delicious national dishes of
Lebanon in friendly restaurants (Zahleh, halfway between Chtaura and Baalbeck,
is famous for its river-bank cafes).
Information From the Ministry of
